Northwell Health - 734 Park Avenue, Huntington
Northwell Health - 752 Park Avenue, Huntington

Northridge Know-How

The interior renovations for these two Northwell Health satellite offices presented a host of challenges: At 734 Park Avenue, the entire building’s footprint of pitched concrete, from its former life as an auto repair shop, had to be removed and repoured as a level slab. At 752 Park Avenue, a new electrical room had to be created as work continued throughout the building using temporary power. In additional, considerable underground plumbing was incorporated to support the building’s new demands.

Projects Overview

At Northwell Health’s 734 Park Avenue satellite office for its Rheumatology Department, renovations included the reception area, blood infusion department, and exam rooms, for a total of 4,500 square feet. Renovations to 752 Park Avenue, Northwell Health’s Ob/Gyn Office, included a reception area, 10 exam rooms, and a laboratory, for a total of 6,000 square feet.

Project Stats

General Contractor
734 and 752 Park Avenue, Huntington, NY
Hoffman Grayson Architects, LLP - Huntington, NY (734 Park Ave.)

Paul Jacob Hill Architecture & Design - New York, NY (752 Park Ave.)
Phone: 631.421.1168
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